Communications at Bethel is meant to give our Bethel family and guests the information they need to know what is happening at Bethel in order for them to know and become disciples of Jesus.
Methods of communications include:
Bethel Happenings - weekly news & information
(available each service & online)
Bethel FootPrints - magazine, "our story."
(available online) – website
(complete online news & information)
Facebook (internet) – the Bethel online social networking group
Public Site:

Click on the Facebook logo to connect
to the Bethel Facebook Site

The Communications ministry area helps to connect the congregation and visitors to Bethel events, calendar, classes, and news. We are in place to facilitate the sharing of information for all ministry, service, and outreach programs at Bethel. The communications team serves pastors, staff, and lay people by sharing events and infomation via website, newsletters, and Facebook. Our goal is to connect the congregation with events happening at Bethel in order to encourage as much involvement as possible so the we may then focus our efforts outward towards the community and various mission fields.
The communications team will strive to be a sounding board for our areas of ministry to convey pertinent event information and resources to the congregation, volunteers, and guests, but most importantly, to provide this information in a timely. We would like to ease the communications process by putting the information at people's fingertips.
We have all heard that communication plays a key role in any organization. If we look to the Bible in Genesis 11:1-9, God totally stopped the building of the Tower of Babel by disabling communication. Our goal is to use effective communications to build up the people of God and do his work in the world.
