2nd & 3rd Tuesdays
from 6-7:30p
Saturdays from 9:00a to 11:00a
(of that same week) and will close for
holidays and as otherwise notified.)
Bring a friend to help… you don’t have to be a member to help. Be the church!
We want to thank those who have signed up to help in the pantry. Please check for openings for those who can take 2 or 3 hours to help on a Tuesday or Saturday. If you are shopping for food items, you might want to add some to your cart and bring them to the church pantries.
Don’t forget that the Pantry committee would welcome new members to the board. Perhaps come to a meeting to get a “feel” for how you might help in this capacity. If you are interested, please leave message for the Pantry at the church office. Meetings are held every other month in the evening.
To sign up to help during our open hours, contact the church office 317-773-4315 or sign up on the calendar in the church hallway. Online sign-up is available by clicking here.
How Can You Partner with the Bethel Lutheran Church Food & Baby Pantry?
- Pray for our ministry and church
- Volunteer: Help sort or shelve food
- Help shop for food
- Pick up large donations
- Write grants to secure funding for the pantry
- Collect food/baby items at your place of employment
Click here for directions to Bethel.
Bethel Lutheran Church NALC
20650 Cumberland Rd
Noblesville, IN 46062
(For automated information, dial ext. 21)